Telehealth Available
If you need someone to talk to, counseling is available through our Morningstar Program via telephone or telemedicine. Call (816)-421-7608 for an appointment.
Join us online for Morningstar White Bison Wellbeing 12-step weekly meetings! This unique meeting is held on Zoom on Thursdays at 6pm CT and welcomes ALL recovery groups. For more information, please contact Carole Cadue-Blackwood at or (816)-702-5273.
Program Overview
The goal of the Morningstar Outreach substance abuse program is to identify the Indian substance abuse cases in the Kansas City area, assisting individuals and their families with a plan for recovery from substance abuse and assist in their adjustment to living free of chemical dependency. As an adjunct to this outreach, a case management component is integral to assisting individuals and their family’s access services and resources in the community they need to maintain their recovery from substance abuse.
The Morningstar Outreach Program is a unique and viable support network system within the Kansas City area that has been helping Native Americans and their families who are experiencing alcohol and substance abuse related problems for recovery and personal adjustment since 1974.
The program includes prevention and treatment components specifically designed to facilitate American Indians and their families in their day-to-day services in the following areas:
- Outpatient treatment and supported recovery.
- Therapeutic interventions to assist clients in dealing with past substance abuse and related experiences.
- Follow up and ongoing supported recovery services to assist client in maintaining their recovery.
- Outreach to clients, the community, families, other agencies, and service providers regarding special treatment needs of Native American clients.
- Cultural Activities appropriate to Native Americans to maintain and increase their connection to traditional activities.
- High risk focused prevention activities, especially for the youth in the community to decrease their chance of repeating intergenerational patterns of abuse, increase their connection to positive activities and behaviors, and provide a connection to culturally rich programming.
Through the program’s focus on prevention and offering impartial information, stressing practical education and advocating healthy lifestyle, it is KCIC’s belief that when given the opportunity to develop positive attitudes and life skills a person’s self-destructive behavior will greatly diminish – if not be eliminated.
The Morningstar Program philosophy perceived that Native Americans disclose more easily and will talk more freely to another Native American; hence, a better chance of getting help to those in the Native American community who need help, by increasing their perception that the helping professional is more able to understand their unique needs.
The Morningstar Program promotes a positive image, wellness habits, and decision-making skills. It allows the client to seek alternative paths without alcohol and substance abuse.
Mental Well-being
The Morningstar Program has a Licenced Clinical Social Worker available for mental health counseling and therapy. Dr. Bob Prue, LCSW has been practicing psychotherapy techniques since 1995. Dr. Bob is available on Tuesdays and Thursdays by appointment.
If you think you might benefit from therapy, you can schedule directly with Dr. Bob by email or phone. or @ 816-432-7608 ext 224 for a personalized information session to see if therapy is right for you.